Ms Access Continuous Form Dynamic Label

NewSort(): Sort a Continuous Form by Clicking on the Column Label

Sort a continuous form in MS Access by simply pointing at a column label. These functions make it easy.

NewSort(): Sort a Continuous Form by Clicking on the Column Label

Today's function provides a simple, but powerful, way for your users to sort the various columns of your continuous Microsoft Access forms.

This function–NewSort()–includes these features:

  • Toggles between ascending and descending sorts
  • Supports multi-column sorting
  • Works with "lightweight" form objects (those with no VBA code-behind)

The Code

Here's the sample code complete with notes on several bug fixes I've had to implement over the years:

            '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Procedure : NewSort ' DateTime  : 6/12/2008 - 4/9/2015 ' Author    : Mike Wolfe ' Source    : ' Purpose   : Sort a continuous form by simply pointing at a column label. ' Requires  : UpdateOrderBy() function ' Usage     : Set the following properties in the label control(s) in the form header: '           - OnMouseMove: =UseHand() '           - OnClick: =NewSort([Form], "FieldToSort") '           : To set the initial sort order, pass multiple field names '           - OnLoad: =NewSort([Form], "1stFieldToSort", "2ndFieldToSort") '           : To use the recordsource's sort order, pass no field names '           - OnLoad: =NewSort([Form]) '           : To sort a field in descending order first (subsequent clicks always toggle) '           - OnClick: =NewSort([Form], "LastPmtDate DESC") ' ' Changelog : '  8/24/09  - Added Frm.OrderByOn = False line to fix bug where interaction with '               SetScrollBarDisplay would prevent OrderBy clause from being completely '               replaced by a multiple field name sort ' 11/15/09  - Bug fix: Enter parameter 'LastPmtDate DESC DESC' '  4/12/11  - Bug fix: Left over ORDER BY was filtering out all records when OnLoad: =NewSort(Form) '  5/25/12  - Bug fix: [SQL Server] A column has been specified more than once in the order by list. '                                   Columns in the order by list must be unique. (#169) '  9/14/12  - Bug fix: Workaround for Access 2000 bug where updating the OrderBy clause '               of a subform sets the Filter Off on the parent form '  3/30/15  - Bug fix: exit immediately if the form has no RecordSource '  4/ 9/15  - Bug fix: Workaround for Workaround for Access 2000 bug fix of 9/14/12 '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function NewSort(Frm As Form, ParamArray FieldNames() As Variant)    'vv Dim CommaPos As Long, NewOrderBy As String Dim FieldName As Variant, PreferDesc As Boolean, SaveFilter As String Dim UntrimmedClause As Variant, Clause As String, Clauses As Variant, i As Integer     If Len(Frm.RecordSource) = 0 Then Exit Function          On Error Resume Next     Dim ParentFilterOn As Variant     ParentFilterOn = Frm.Parent.FilterOn          On Error GoTo 0      'If single field is passed to function, then append to existing OrderBy clause...     If UBound(FieldNames) = LBound(FieldNames) And Len(Frm.OrderBy) > 0 Then         FieldName = Trim(FieldNames(LBound(FieldNames)))         Frm.OrderBy = UpdateOrderBy(Frm.OrderBy, CStr(FieldName))         Frm.OrderByOn = True     Else         '...create brand new OrderBy clause         For Each FieldName In FieldNames             NewOrderBy = Conc(NewOrderBy, FieldName)         Next FieldName         If Len(NewOrderBy) > 0 Then             Frm.OrderBy = NewOrderBy             Frm.OrderByOn = True         Else             Frm.OrderBy = ""             Frm.OrderByOn = False             If Frm.FilterOn Then                 SaveFilter = Frm.Filter                 Frm.RecordSource = Frm.RecordSource                 Frm.Filter = SaveFilter                 Frm.FilterOn = True             Else                 Frm.RecordSource = Frm.RecordSource             End If         End If     End If      'Workaround for Access 2000 bug:     If Not IsEmpty(ParentFilterOn) Then         Dim SaveOrderByOn As Boolean         SaveOrderByOn = Frm.OrderByOn         Frm.Parent.FilterOn = ParentFilterOn         Frm.OrderByOn = SaveOrderByOn     End If  End Function  'NOTE: Add third angle bracket and remove Private token to enable DocTesting '>> UpdateOrderBy("FinBsmt DESC, UnfinBsmt DESC", "UnfinBsmt DESC") 'UnfinBsmt DESC, FinBsmt DESC '>> UpdateOrderBy("", "UnfinBsmt DESC") 'UnfinBsmt DESC '>> UpdateOrderBy("FinBsmt DESC, UnfinBsmt DESC", "FinBsmt DESC") 'FinBsmt, UnfinBsmt DESC '>> UpdateOrderBy("FName, LName", "LName") 'LName, FName Private Function UpdateOrderBy(ExistingOrderBy As String, NewField As String) As String 'vv Dim PreferDesc As Boolean, FieldName As String Dim Clauses As Variant, Clause As String, UntrimmedClause As Variant, i As Integer              If Len(ExistingOrderBy) = 0 Then             UpdateOrderBy = NewField             Exit Function         End If              'Allow user to indicate that the first sort for a column should be in descending order         FieldName = NewField         PreferDesc = Right(FieldName, 5) = " DESC"         FieldName = Replace(FieldName, " DESC", "")                  Clauses = Split(ExistingOrderBy, ",")         UpdateOrderBy = ""         For Each UntrimmedClause In Clauses             Clause = Trim(UntrimmedClause)             If i = 0 Then                 If Left(Clause, Len(FieldName)) = FieldName Then                     If Right(Clause, 4) = "DESC" Then                         UpdateOrderBy = FieldName                     Else                         UpdateOrderBy = FieldName & " DESC"                     End If                 Else                     If PreferDesc Then                         UpdateOrderBy = FieldName & " DESC"                     Else                         UpdateOrderBy = FieldName                     End If                     UpdateOrderBy = Conc(UpdateOrderBy, Clause)                 End If             Else                 If Left(Clause, Len(FieldName)) <> FieldName Then                     UpdateOrderBy = Conc(UpdateOrderBy, Clause)                 End If             End If             i = i + 1         Next UntrimmedClause End Function    '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Procedure : Conc ' Author    : Mike Wolfe ' Source    : ' Date      : 1/23/2009 - 4/1/2015 ' Purpose   : Concatenates two strings ' Notes     : Eliminates the need to strip off the leading/trailing delimiter when '               building a string list ' 4/17/09   - If StartText is filled, but nextval is empty, then StartText is returned unchanged. ' 5/ 1/09   - Changed return type of conc from Variant to String. ' 4/ 1/15   - Allow passing Nulls as StartText. '>>> Conc("1, 2, 3", "4") ' 1, 2, 3, 4 '>>> Conc("This", "that", " and ") ' This and that '>>> Conc("Five", Null, " and ") ' Five '>>> Conc(Null, "Dime", " and ") ' Dime '>>> "#" & Conc(Null, Null) & "#" ' ## '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function Conc(StartText As Variant, NextVal As Variant, _               Optional Delimiter As String = ", ") As String     If Len(Nz(StartText)) = 0 Then         Conc = Nz(NextVal)     ElseIf Len(Nz(NextVal)) = 0 Then         Conc = StartText     Else         Conc = StartText & Delimiter & NextVal     End If End Function          


There are usage notes in the code comments, but here is the high-level overview:

  1. Create Label controls in the Form Header section to serve as column headers
  2. Set the On Click event for each label to =NewSort([Form], "MyColumnName")
  3. [OPTIONAL] Set the On Mouse Move event to =UseHand()
  4. [OPTIONAL] Set the form's On Load event to =NewSort([Form], "MyFirstColNameToSortBy", "MySecondColNameToSortBy") (passing multiple field names resets the form's Order By property)

Sample Database

Below you will find a link to a sample database that shows the NewSort in action.  It also demonstrates a couple of other common features that I've written about in the past, including:

  • UseHand: Changing the Mouse Cursor in Microsoft Access
  • HighlightRow: How to Highlight the Current Record in a Continuous Form
  • Conc: Avoid trimming the delimiter when building strings in loops


If you run into any trouble, please ask in the comments below.

Referenced articles

Come Together

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